i encourage everyone to RUN(like someone is trying to kill you) to their nearest bookstore and purchase these books. especially since it took me 6 MONTHS on the waiting list at the library to get the first one. if i had known it was going to be this fantastic i would have bought it outright and not waited. now that you have been warned-ask for them for christmas! cancel your other plans and read. start planning your ideal movie cast. i want to play katniss.(surprise!) i am already planning my katniss everdeen halloween costume. it should be ready by april. perhaps i will wear it for my birthday. who will want to go out with me dressed like that? the mockingjay pin is just the first step. i already own adequate boots and pants. i also need an orange tunic and a bow and a quiver of arrows. and some arrow shooting skillz. and some selflessness and courage.
the final book comes out in august of 2010. i hope i can make it that long. i would hate to tragically die between now and then and miss that coming out. what a downer that would be.