2. we don't pay full price.
3. we don't cheer for florida, utah or tennessee, which brings us to sublaw 3.1. we don't wear orange and blue together and we make a concerted effort to wear black and red together.
4. we don't like cats.
5. the name ronald reagan is spoken in hushed, reverent tones.
6. we take halloween seriously.
i'm in charge of costumes:

thomas is in charge of pumpkins:

avenger of messes,
lightning quick folder of laundry,
human receptacle of rejected lunches, cast-off jackets, socks and partially-licked candy.
superchic machine washable superhero uniform known for it's bionic stretchy waist band to hold in not so bionic mom stomach, booger and snot proof cape, arch supportive sneaks for leaping over incredible messes, and classy/flashy truth seeking mask that burns through lying children's souls.
be afraid. be very afraid.