TUESDAY-scarlett's first day of pre-school EVER. i got up early to run and i came home sick as a dog. i needed to go outside and eat some grass. it was that bad. and as a result, i could hardly move and i let scarlett sleep until 815. her pre-school starts at 830. and she needed a bath. i finally pulled it together and scarlett got a bath and i got a bath(after two attempts). i sheepishly walked her into school at a few minutes after 9. and i did NOT appreciate the stink eye that her teacher gave to me. she is lucky to have scarlett in her class.
but because we were so late, all i had time for were these weak first day of school photos:
running into school:
pick up. she was done with the photo taking.
WEDNESDAY- i spent a good deal of the day reading mockingjay. thomas had surprised me with a copy after i had spent way too much time searching for it around town. and thanks to the walmart employees who questioned me for looking for a book called "monkeyjaw". seriously. they had never heard of mockingjay.
i tried to pace myselfwhilst reading it so that everything else in my life wouldn't go to pot(unlike every other day of the week). in interest of spoilers, all i will say about the book is: team gale forever.

THURSDAY-reagan's appointment with the orthopedist. it was sort of WAY awesome. his office was really swanky with floor to ceiling windows and waterfalls and a paging system like they have at applebee's with the buzzer that lights up. in the waiting room they had 6 gigantic flat screen tvs all showing reruns of burn notice. i wish had a dressed up for the occasion.

SATURDAY-i got up and ran and it was a success. slow and steady. and then thomas suggested that we head on down to georgia to the outlet mall and see what wares were for sale. something seemed fishy about that exchange but i didn't dare ask because i am not one to turn down a day of shopping. about 20 minutes out of town the truth came out. we were definitely heading to the outlet mall but first we would be stopping to pick up some new georgia gear for the upcoming football season. and then i would get to shop. seems like a fair enough deal.
SUNDAY-thomas and i both received new callings to serve in at church. thomas was called as 2nd counselor in the young men's organization and i was called as the laurel's advisor in the young women's organization. and i am totally excited. i still haven't gotten over the fact that i am not 16 anymore. this calling is perfect.