Elder M. Russell Ballard has encouraged LDS people to use the internet to dispel myths and falsehoods about the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. hopefully my blog has shown people that LDS people or mormons, as we are more commonly known, are just like anyone else you meet; people who want happy families, who work hard, who enjoy the cameraderies of people of other faiths, and that LDS people have testimonies of our Savior Jesus Christ.
however, i admit i have made some mistakes when it comes to posting information about my family on the internet. recently i have found myself trying to scale back some of the information that i share about my little kidlets and our location in the world. it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to google someone's name to find more information about them.
so, if any of you out there in cyberworld would ever feel compelled to harm myself or my family in any way, let me share a tidbit of information with you about myself:
i'm a really good shot.
and i would not hesitate for even one hot second to drop you like you were hot.
and i don't mean dancing. you would never forget me.
don't believe me? click to enlarge.

pardon my REALLY ugly pants. this was about 5 years ago. those pants have since been burned. but the hat is truly awesome.