for general conference weekend, reagan and i flew to kansas city. we spent 4 glorious, fun filled days with grandma and grandpa, and steve, sarah, joshua and whitney. the weather was great and fun was had by all. of course, this story does involve me flying so you know that something had to go wrong. luckily for me, the only drama was the airport not transferring my luggage to kansas city from atlanta. fortunately, it only took them about 24 hours to locate it and have it delivered. you know, i love wearing the same clothes i traveled in all day and i know reagan looked adorable wearing his pajamas at 6 in the evening. i was able to fly out of the montgomery regional airport which was surprisingly nice and modern. i was expecting something like the airport on the tv show "wings".

on saturday, the whole fam damily went to the park between conference sessions to enjoy the beautiful weather. reagan LOVED the baby swing.

the whole clan swinging together.

i was relieved and thrilled that reagan took to grandma as well as he did. since we have always lived so far away, i had great fears of him being too shy with his grandparents. reagan loved grandma! she was his favorite! when she dropped us off at the airport, he was so upset!

joshua's 4th birthday is this week! how time flies! we had a party at the grandparent's house. joshua is a BIG BOY now! he is the smartest 4 year old i know. he knows all his letters and numbers and colors. he even spells and recognizes tons of words. GREAT JOB SARAH!!!

this is the only picture i could get of whitney by herself. she was too busy playing to slow down for picture taking. she has so much personality. she loves being "pretty" and says so all the time.
she wasn't too keen on reagan though. she wasn't going to share her grandma with any old "baby". she was so funny. whenever he was playing with her toys or sitting with grandma she would say, "oh, no baby!" she was too cute! especially funny since she is only 6 months older than him. she was in charge of everyone.

i was able to visit my dear, sweet friends kelsey and diane. i was so touched that kelsey remembered me after being gone for 8 years. they gave me a picture of my old dog spud that they found at their house. kelsey proudly announced, "here, it's a picture of you!" i am thankful that she keeps me humble!

mom and i went to the best and most beautiful shopping mecca in kansas city, the
the plaza 
we met dad for lunch at manny's deliciouso restaurante mexicana!!!

the day was topped off with a visit to the newly remodeled
independence missouri visitor's center. it was incredible! beautiful and spiritual. a wonderful place to visit. located adjacent to the independence missouri temple site.
in all it was a wonderful weekend full of fun, family, spiritual upliftment and delicious chocolate birthday cake.