Friday, January 11, 2019

i blink january's lashes

it has been a rough first week of 2019! thomas tore a hamstring playing flag football. it has been terrible for him.

i can't show you all the bruise pictures because this is a family blog but imagine this initial bruise:
growing bigger and purpler and greener and blacker and scarier, everywhere. EVERY. WHERE. all the leg nooks and crannies. even the front of his leg had significant bruising. it's like a blood dam burst. he got a shot of morphine in the ER and he said it helped, "a little". 

then i set up reagan's new lava lamp in the kitchen to surprise him after school and athena blythe wanted a closer look and this happened:

and then scarlett dropped a brand new bottle of syrup on the floor:
i was unable to salvage it.

this obscure photo is my ceiling after herschel dropped a cup of chocolate milk on the floor and it splashed and covered a six foot area of the kitchen ceiling:

and because of thomas' injury, the kids have been having a heyday playing, "torn hamstring". no one plays it better than thomas, however. 

hopefully that is the end of the broken things and i can do a good job of not breaking my new year's resolutions. thomas started doing monthly resolutions a few years ago. he gave up quik trip food for a whole month(don't laugh, their pizza is pretty darn good). i like the idea of trying something for a month and then reevaulating. it was a highly effective amount of resolution to bite off for him, so i decided to adopt that practice this year.


1. no more library fines. it's not free library with how many fines i've paid in the last few years. i don't mind supporting the community, but our public library doesn't even have that great of a selection! but, like a dog to it's vomit, i've already checked out a boatload of books that athena blythe will devour and then leave behind the basement couch or under a mattress in a room she doesn't even sleep in. 

2. try to adopt kale smoothies into my life. after such high quantities of vegetable consumption over the last year in efforts to be "healthy", i almost hate the thought of cooking and eating vegetables. especially reheated vegetables. i'm hoping that if i can make a remotely palatable kale smoothie, i can get my vegetable servings in one shot during the day and not think about it for a while and repair my emotional response to chopping and roasting vegetables. i don't want to hate vegetables but zoodles are not noodles and i'm tired of lying to myself. vegetables are great and should not be a chore. i want to be friends with them again.

3. avoid going to the store every day. i want to get away from easy access to the store and retrain myself and my family that we don't need to jump in the car the moment we run out of something. there are clear exceptions and emergencies, like deodorant and toilet paper. but for the love of cross stitch, we can handle going a few days without chocolate milk! how about scrambled eggs for breakfast if we are out of my kitchen floor nemesis, cereal? this will require me to fine tune my list making, menu planning product consumption projection along with kitchen and bathroom inventory. plus, i'll save money by not picking up several unplanned extras with each unplanned grocery store trip. i cringe when i think of how susceptible i am to "good deal" impulse purchases that really aren't a good deal if i don't need it. unless it's like that time if found 5 lbs of pepperoni marked down 75%! deal of a lifetime i am STILL reaping the benefits from. 


HJolley said...

I totally agree with your last resolution! No more grocery store trips! I know WE CAN DO THIS FAMILY but it will take people communicating with me about when we are about to run out of something before we run out of it. Your emergency is not my emergency!

Lindsey said...

Poor Thomas!! Oh my gosh! That looks awful! I loved what you said about your veggies and you maybe inspired me to try smoothies as well. The pics of everything spilling made my heart ache for you and just know that I am probably more clumsy than your children.