my greatest desire has been to find a crisp white summer blouse. and here it is:

can you guess what this is a picture of???

and, most importantly, the new cut hasn't inhibited my ability to pose. fierce! watch out tyra.
2. our saturday and sunday morning breakfast tradition.
3. reagan. being parents together has helped us learn more about ourselves and how to better serve one another and how to love and forgive more fully.
kids can be tough bizness. but few things can bring you closer together.
but pretty adorable bizness too.
4. and scarlett. we really like her too.
don't be jealous of our glamorous life.
(thomas was sleeping in this picture. dreaming about georgia football, i am sure.)
since this is a wedding post, let me shout from the rooftops this exciting news!!! i can't believe that i have neglected to post this amazing morsel of beck family information!!! david (also known as boo boo 'round these parts) is engaged!!! the fantastic bride is the lovely christine. they will be married on august 2nd in the salt lake temple! i have only heard good things about christine. you read that right, i've only HEARD good things. i haven't met her yet. everyone else in the family has but me and mine. i think it is a vast conspiracy. like i am the one in the family that would scare her off...please.
everyone in the fam is completely delighted. especially my mom. once the lovebirds seal the deal, we are going to have to pick another topic to dominate all our familial conversations.
hereforth they shall be called daventine. this one name business is so much easier to type than two names.
scarlett admiring her balloons in her redneck sleepwear.
of course, we had to have a party. scarlett was very insistent on this. everyone 1 year old needs a bunch of adult fawning over her and telling her how precious she is. how is she supposed to be a proper child-beauty queen without loyal subjects?
this is how our guests were greeted: