here are my resolutions:
1. read 12 books. same as last year and i completed it.
2. read book of mormon with a theme in mind. last year i highlighted all references to Jesus Christ and it was magic. this year my theme to highlight is "knowledge is for the faithful". i going to highlight all references to people gaining knowledge because they were steadfast.
3. declutter every room and closet and storage area and garage. that equals out to one area a month, which is extremely doable. i started with the playroom and now the playroom looks great and hopefully it will make it more play-able because junk won't be everywhere. matching bins and sneaking old toys out of the basment are twin thrills.
4. no unnecessary shopping until april 28. i have enough. i'm allowed to replace ripped or ruined items and i can always get new gym clothes because i'm really hard on those. here i am at church last week in all "old" clothes that i really love still. skirt is from 1999 and i usually wear it every christmastime.
5. weightlifting goals:
275# deadlift
250# squat
105# Cossack squat
10 scary good military pushups
6. eat out more so that i can stress less. it seems like an opposite type of resolution than most people make, but i stress myself out about always having dinner made. it's usually a subpar dinner at that. i hope to allow myself to look at my schedule more and say, "let's just grab chik-fil-a or whatever", rather than cramming in food prep at random times of day.
7. visit the dog store at the mall with reagan regularly and work up to him calmy holding and caring for dogs. i'm a big adopt don't shop person, but the mall pet store is pretty convenient for this resolution so we will work toward our personal pet ownership next year by making lots of visits this to the pet store year.