Tuesday, September 30, 2014

what's the frequency, heidi?

i can't let september get away without a bit of an update.
a month or more in review, told in bullet points

  • blythe's outdoors nap while the movers finished unloading the truck which was a brilliant idea in theory. ridiculous in practice.

  • whatever

  • tom petty and REM are constantly on the radio here. till you puke.  REM, i get it. they're local. but their popular music repertoire isn't very extensive, so it's a lot of the same. tom petty has a much bigger selection, but he's on at least once an hour. scarlett has even learned to recognize him and will mimic me, "really, another tom petty song? has it been more than 5 minutes?" 

  • new gym- meh. 

  • it's hot- the-wearing-a-bra-debating-level-of-hot

  • atlanta traffic- it's as bad as you think. then worse. 

  • new ward- already found out about my piano playing "talent". or not-talent, more like willing to help with certain stipulations met. people don't get how important it is to understand the on the spot pianists need to be able to veto songs they cannot play. nothing more annoying than someone asking you to just try when they themselves can't try at all. and you already know it will be a musical disaster. respect the pianist. i'm super bad and i'm not kidding about it and i'm sensitive to it because of an incident waaaay back in 2003 when an arrogant organist in tuscaloosa was so condescending to me. and it doesn't mean i hate the church or i'm unwilling to serve or just plain wicked in my heart if i reserve the right to not play the piano for something.

  • unpacking. i have about 8 large boxes that i refuse to unpack. hi from ruffy! still going strong after almost 30 years of loving. the viagra of wonderful childhood toys.

  • primary program sunday- went off perfectly and reagan did not give his lines in spanish. which is great because he does not speak spanish.

  • we had to stop taking pictures of blythe at this point. she's a good girl, loves her mama. blythe loves Jesus and america too. she's a good girl, crazy about doc mcstuffins,but she doesn't do a dang thing she doesn't want to and that's where the tom petty lyric similarities end. 

  • that's all. we're alive.