i am thankful for people who are brave enough to go out of their comfort zone and share the gospel. big T is a convert to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints of 12 years this past august. the people who shared the gospel message with him are dearer to my heart than they will ever know. they opened their mouths by inviting him to church the first time. they opened their homes each time thomas had questions that needed to be answered. they opened their hearts by sharing the love our Savior Jesus Christ has for each one of us with him. i am forever grateful and indebted to them. i would venture to say that they did not know what would become of big T, that they were just doing their duty as Latter-day Saints. but i have been a beneficiary of their faithfulness and their boldness. they are a force for good and my life has been impacted and changed for the better because of them.

jessica and heather, sisters and supermodels.
i am sure that it wasn't an easy task. big T talks a lot and he likes to be right all the time. and now he is.