over thanksgiving, we went to waycross to visit family. one of the days we were down there, we took a quick day trip to jacksonville, fl to see some sites. i reallyreallyreally wanted to stop and see the beach. thomas HATES the beach, but since i grew up in a landlocked state and only saw the beach on postcards until i was 10, i like to take any opportunity to see one of God's many creations. the weather was perfect and there was no stinky water smell. there were many vagabonds there. they must love the beach too. i was eavesdropping on the vagabond conversation. it was quite humorous to me, they were fighting like a bunch of siblings over cigarettes.

it's funny though, thomas was treating going to the beach like it was a trip to the dentist. in the end he was a good sport. i appreciate that he humors me. i still get excited when we are in waycross and we see PALMTREES growing in people's front yards. it's i almost too surreal to me!

on a another note, reagan loves sitting in the sink. i will put him on the counter with me if i am doing some cooking tasks or whatnot. last week he scooted right over into the sink and played in there until i was done cleaning the kitchen. it was great! the best babysitter i have ever had! he was content for quite the long time. yeah for the sink! too bad he BEGSbegsbegsbegs me to put him in their now, just for fun.