thomas's graduation from law school was this past weekend. after three long, hard years, thomas completed law school with flying colors. my parents were able to fly down from kansas city for a quick weekend trip.

thomas graduated at the top of his class. he was ranked #2 out of about 180 students. am i bragging? yes. do i care? no. sometimes i call him doctor thomas since he now holds a doctor of laws degree.
thomas's mom and step dad were also able to make the trip from waycross to tuscaloosa.
holding reagan on my lap during the commencement ceremony was no fun. he couldn't understand why we couldn't play on the floor. he did enjoy throwing items from my purse at people sitting around us though.
a shot of the happy family.
thomas with the cake that kim"the master of all things cake-y"messervy made. my contribution to the cake was watching her make it. i am always a good audience.
madison and reagan playing in boxes while i was packing. since we are no longer moving until august, our house has boxes everywhere. there is no way that i am going to unpack and then pack again later in august. it was too hard the first time with reagan helping me so much. i can't imagine it being any easier when he is a few months older.
meatball could sense by the flurry of activity that something was going on. meatball knows what a suitcase means and he ensured that he would be brought with us wherever we went by climbing inside. i found him napping in this suitcase full of clothes.